Monday, July 8, 2013

The Start of My New Writing Adventure

I have been thinking in my head for a while that I really need to commit to writing more. This is the beginning of that commitment. I have a lot of great ideas in my head and need to start putting them somewhere. (Note: if you see an idea that you like feel free to offer me money and I may allow you to use it).

I am constantly coming up with inventions but have no technical expertise outside of wood working and minor home improvement projects. This makes inventing tough. I'm pretty sure I need to commit more time to this also and less the the TV. The problem with that is when I am tired I revert to watching the BoobTube instead of doing something. I know that if I make myself do something I will not be tired. So consider this my commitment to do something vs vegging out on the couch.

This has been a profound first attempt at writing again. I'm glad to share this with the world and cannot wait for lots of input. For the time being I will call this good and make better plans for my next writing endeavor.

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